
Create ProdPad feedback from new Zendesk tickets

If you want to collect feedback in ProdPad from Zendesk tickets, you can do so using Zapier.

You will need:

  • Your Zendesk API key
  • Your ProdPad account
  • a Zapier Premium account

Step 1: Create a view in Zendesk

Before you get your zap started, you will want to create a custom view in Zendesk, if you need help creating a ticket view, check this Zendesk help article.

When creating a view you would most likely use a tag or a custom field and a status as a set of conditions to match. How this is configured really comes down to what is best for you and your team. An example of this might be something like this:

69e03bf9125755ff1a602537ac0f398b.jpgIn this scenario we have a check box user field called 'Feedback' added to the ticket form.

The view conditions will pick up when that is checked and the ticket Status is pending (you may wish to use Open or Closed, or a different parameter entirely).

For this view the idea would be that the agent checks the box before submitting as Pending (or closed/open etc).

The view can then be used in the New Ticket trigger configuration for Zapier

Step 2: Create a zap

 Let's select our main trigger as a New Ticket in Zendesk. To add an automated filter, also select the view to match your ticket. This will ensure that only tickets that meet certain criteria will get to ProdPad.

Next, add another step by pressing the grey + button and searching for ProdPad. Once selected, connect to your ProdPad account and select Find A Contact for the event. 

Next, select the Action tab and add Requester Email to the email field. You can do this by clicking the field and searching for Requester Email in the available fields search menu. 

You'll now want to make sure the Create ProdPad Contact if it doesn't exist yet? option is ticked. To do this, scroll down the menu and tick the option check box. This will ensure that a contact is made in ProdPad should the contact not exist within your ProdPad account.

Next, add another step by pressing the grey + button and searching for ProdPad. Once selected, connect to your ProdPad account and select Create Feedback in ProdPad for the event. You can then add the following mapping:

Things to note:

  • If the Requester email matches and existing contact the feedback will be linked to them, otherwise it will create a new contact.
  • Mapping the External Links data means you can link back to the ticket feedback from the feedback in ProdPad. I added the string "Zendesk Ticket: " in front of the data tag in Zapier so that it has a nice readable name when the link is created in ProdPad.

All going well, when the trigger conditions are met you should see something like this in ProdPad.


To ensure you have the right data, run a quick sample check. Be sure to update a request prior to running this check.

And now your Zendesk to ProdPad feedback Zap is ready to go!

Further Reading

Looking for other ways to integrate with Zendesk? Check out these blog posts:

Reply to Customer Feedback from Zendesk

Connect ProdPad and Zendesk

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